Sunday, December 24, 2006

Faithful Consumation

To the Woman I Love sacrificially:
For Whom I share a unified Purpose;
Through Whom I receive Sustenance;
With Whom I create and cultivate Life.
We are Given to be One,
And Taken to be Set Aside
For the Glory of our Lord.

To She who Consumes my Life:
I Feel her Warmth as she draws Near;
I Smell the Fragrance of her Presence,
And Taste the Spice of her Being;
I Hear the sweet coo of her Voice as she sings in the Morning,
And her gentle Laughter in the Evening;
I See the Vision of her Smile as she returns my Gaze.

It is as though my Soul would fancy itself at Heaven's Gate
And shed this broken Shell.
Sacrifice becomes the Consummation
And the Consumed yearns for Death.
Where even the Faith of my Heart would be relinquished
It is for the Faithfulness of my Spirit
That He offers me abiding Strength.

By Jim Pemberton
Dedicated to Christ, the Holy Bridegroom
Who gave himself to make His bride spotless
Ephesians 5:25


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