Friday, August 24, 2007

The Video of the Venezuela 2007 Mission Trip is Complete!

I've been working diligently to complete this video of the Mission Trip to Venezuela and have finally completed it. I had actually finished it earlier this week, but Adobe Premier crashed and I realized I hadn't saved the entire second half of the video. I was able to rebuild it in short order from an investigation of the rendered workspace files, but even that was painstaking.

There are yet plenty of pictures to follow. Of course, you can always see how my wife and kids spent their summer in Cabimas, Zulia in Venny prior to the arrival of the team.

That's me hugging my wife and 2 out of 3 kids in the airport.
Get a good look, you won't often see American Baptists dancing - er, uh... we'd rather call it "interpretive movement."

You will see many images of us in a poor neighborhood in the second half. The people you see praying in this poor neighborhood were praying their first prayer as new believers in Christ. The local church there will follow up with these people to see to their discipleship and will care for them as best they can until we return next year. By then, perhaps this neighborhood will have an established church body of its own. Right new believers are meeting in the homes of individuals.

The images of the bus being stuck in the first half of the video came from one of our trips to this neighborhood. It's been unseasonably cool (below 100F) and rainy. One of the puddles ended up being a litte deeper than the bus driver thought.

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