Monday, August 15, 2005

Venezuela - Iglesia Bautista: Fuente de Agua Viva

Meanwhile, back in Venezuela...

We were priviledged to spend much time with the people of our host church. The greeted us warmly at the airport when we arrived and followed us as far as they could through security on our departure. The whole week they went with us. We would pick them up at the church in the morning, work with them in the carnival and the medical teams. We would go back to the church with them and eat lunch there. After a siesta in the afternoon, we would pick them up again at the church and go out for food distribution and evening services. Afterward, we would say, "buenos noches" and go with the ITAM staff to supper. Thursday, we spent the morning at the church helping with some maintenance issues while our construction team finished up some projects.

Sunday, of course, we had Sunday morning services and Sunday School with them and came back later for evening services. We got involved with many of the service activities.
Myself and Brian Souther both attempted solos in Spanish.
Ed Yarbrough preached. He used Baggy D. Bear to start out with. The funny part was when the translator tried to translate using Baggie's voice. Our dancers danced and their drama team put on shows. Their youth did intermpretive movments. We taught in the Sunday School classes. I taught the adult Sunday School class. Overall, it was a great time of worship.

As for the week with the church, we were really made to feel a part of the church and its mission.


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